Our Lady's Kitchen
What is Our Lady's Kitchen?
In partnership with Gladesville Vinnies, the St Merkorious Charity and the Gift of Bread Foundation, Ryde-Gladesville Catholic Parish have started Our Lady’s Kitchen to bring freshly cooked meals, bread, hampers and the like to those in need in our local area, and who have no one else to look after them.
We are currently delivering meals to around 35 people in our local community, with plans to extend this further.
One of the Our Lady's Kitchen murals at St Charles Borromeo Primary School, Ryde, painted by Fr Alfredo Serrano-Vasquez
"Even though ours is a fairly affluent area, there are still many people who have 'fallen through the cracks' and to whom Jesus and our Lady are directing us."
- Fr Greg Morgan FMVD, Parish Priest
Parish Priest Fr Greg assisting with food preparations at our site at Our Lady Queen of Peace, Gladesville
How can I help?
There are a number of ways to help out with the OLK initiative, and help those most in need.
Whether it's volunteering your time, donating goods or contributing financially, or even referring people in need to service, there's a number of ways to play a part in helping others. We are always looking for continued support and new volunteers.
If you are able to assist, please view the Roster below for any vacancies and contact Judy at ea@rgcp.org.au.
If you would like to volunteer with Our Lady's Kitchen and want to know more, please email Judy at ea@rgcp.org.au for information on role specifics. To sign up, please see the roster for any vacancies at contact Judy at ea@rgcp.org.au, or subscribe to our blog to be notified of the next sign up.
Please note, as a all volunteers within Ryde-Gladesville Parish, including the OLK initiative will need to complete an Archdiocese Volunteer Registration form and return it to the Parish Office. For those who volunteer with children more than 5 times per year, further Safeguarding documentation training is required. All forms and further information can be found on our Volunteer page.
Physical donations or business assistance
If you or your business are able to donate basic foodstuffs, snacks, drinks, petrol vouchers or any other services, please contact Judy at olk@rgcp.org.au.
Financial donations
If you'd like to make a donation to support the continued work of Our Lady's Kitchen, you can donate to the Parish Fundraising Account below:
BSB: 062 784
Account No: 100 009 813
You can also donate directly on the Parish website homepage via the 'Donate Now' BPay portal, noting in the description that your donation is for Our Lady's Kitchen. Please identify if your donation is for St Merkorious or Vinnies Van.
Your generosity will go a long way in supporting vulnerable and homeless members on the fringes of our community, and ensuring we can expand our services to assist those most in need.
Donations made to St Merkorious or Vinnies Van are tax deductible.
When making a donation, please note if your donation is for St Merkorious or Vinnies Van.
Alternatively, please email admin@rgcp.org.au
Thank you
Do you know someone who could benefit from this service? Anyone can receive this service, regardless of creed, race or orientation. All that is needed to qualify for this service is to be in circumstances of current substantial need and have no one else to help them.
If you know someone we could help, please contact Anna at olk@rgcp.org.au.
OLK Volunteers Rosters
The Volunteers Roster for Our Lady's Kitchen at Gladesville has now been published.
There are still a few vacancies over the next 3 months, so if you'd still like to help out, there are still opportunities!
For more information about Our Lady's Kitchen, visit our webpage.
If you have any concerns about your roster, or are unable to make it at your rostered time, please contact the Parish Office at office@rgcp.org.au.